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Interview with Ed Winters

Interview with Ed winters

In January 2024 the Vegetarian Society hosted activist Ed Winters’ book launch for “How to Argue with a Meat Eater (and Win Every Time)” at Waterstones, Deansgate, Manchester.

An entertaining and informative read for both long-time vegetarians and vegans and those just embarking on their journey, Ed poses the many questions they may come up against in daily conversation, cites the frustrations and equips you with the facts and tools to answer effectively. 

Deirdra Barr followed this event up with an in- depth interview which was featured in our membership magazine.

How did you become vegan and then start living this life as an activist and writer?

Talking about your new book, what inspired you to write it?

Can you clarify why you might want to "argue" with a meat Eater?

Why is it important for someone to be able to debate with Meat Eaters?

What do you think are some of the most compelling arguments from the book?

What was your favourite archetype was to research?

So what do you think the most popular argument against veganism is and how do you dispute that?

What is your opinion of vegetarian and vegan products that emulate meat?

So what’s your thoughts around lab grown meat or cultivated meat?

Do you think it’s necessary for people to have cooking skills if they’re following a vegan lifestyle?

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