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News, Blogs & Press Releases » 14% decrease in meat consumption – media interview.

14% decrease in meat consumption – media interview.

Closeup of mid 20's blond woman leaning over large freezer in a supermarket and reaching for some frozen food. She's carrying red shopping basket which is almost full of unrecognizable items. Tilt shot.

Richard McIlwain, CEO the Vegetarian Society interviewed on LBC

This week new figures from the UK government showed a 14% decrease in meat consumption.

Richard McIlwain, Chief Executive, the Vegetarian Society, was invited onto the Ali Miraj show on LBC radio. You can listen to the full interview above. Ali started by asking Richard what the reasons were for a reduction in meat consumption. Thanks to LBC for the copy of the interview.

If you’d like to listen for yourself, you can below.

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