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News, Blogs & Press Releases » Baking Bread for Beginners

Baking Bread for Beginners

Our top beginners tips for baking bread

Whether you pile it high with toppings or scoff it on its own, you can’t beat devouring some freshly made bread. If you’ve never made your own from scratch, why not give it a go? It’s really fun and easy – even for beginners. Sam, Head of the Vegetarian Society Cookery School, is here with some top tips to get your bread tasting really delicious. So don your apron and get bready to make some luscious loaves!

Start simple – If you’re new to bread making, why not start with something easy that doesn’t include yeast like soda bread or flatbread? Watch the below video to learn how to make flatbread in a flash.

Buy good quality bread flour The flour you use will make a huge difference to your bread – stock up on a bag that’s high quality.

Make sure you have a warm kitchen or cupboard Your bread should sit somewhere nice toasty when it’s proving – get your kitchen or a cupboard ready to go.

Gather your ingredients before baking Get your ingredients ready before you start. Bread making can be a messy process so it’s always beneficial to have everything you need at hand.

Make it an activity for all the family The mixing and kneading part of making bread is actually really fun. This makes it a great thing to get the kids involved with too!

Don’t get disheartened Be prepared to have bread that doesn’t quite work out – making bread is not only about the finished loaf, it’s about the experience too.

Spice things up – Once you have a favourite recipe it can be really fun (and tasty!) to experiment with adding herbs, spices and flavours. You’ll be amazed at the different results you get.

Want more cooking tips? Check out our cookery classes and get hands on as you chop, slice, dice and knead your way to delicious veggie and vegan dishes. 

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