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News, Blogs & Press Releases » Get growing for National Allotments Week

Get growing for National Allotments Week

This week is National Allotments Week, the National Allotment Society’s annual campaign that highlights the social, health and environmental benefits of UK allotments.

As well as being a cheap and accessible way to grow your own fruit and vegetables, allotments are a great way to exercise and socialise!

Last week, we asked our supporters on social media whether they grow their own fruit and vegetables, and – if so – which ones they have the most success in growing.

Lots of you were kind enough to respond: tomatoes, courgettes, green beans and potatoes were among your most popular vegetables of choice!

Here are some of our favourite responses!

Your responses

“We grow green beans, raspberries, blueberries and tomatoes every year with great success. We also grow cucumbers, lettuce, carrots and many varieties of peppers. I try something new every year. We love our organic garden!” (Facebook)

“My spouse and I grow loads of veggies, fruit, flowers and herbs with varying degrees of success. We use mostly veganic (i.e. vegan organic) methods, i.e. no blood, fish or bonemeal or manure… Biggest success this year: early potatoes and blackberries from our thornless blackberry bushes. Everything is so abundant and verdant this year despite an iffy start to the growing season. We hopefully have lots of pears, figs, apples, maincrop spuds, greens, sweetcorn, tomatoes and squash to look forward to. (Facebook)

“Lettuce, garlic, silverbeet, spinach and rhubarb do well in my tiny garden.” (Facebook)

“Peas, mulberries, rhubarb and gooseberries. The leeks grow well but they always end up flowering!” (Facebook)

“Broad beans, runner beans, carrots, salad bits. What I really have never managed is any cabbages, broccoli or cauliflower!” (Facebook)

“We’ve had over a hundred figs off our small tree this year 😜” (Instagram)

“Loads as have an allotment but BIG shout out to rainbow chard. So much tastier than spinach and very versatile too.” (Instagram)

“Tomatoes and beans. The rats eat everything else :(“ (Instagram)

“I’ve only got a tiny space. So runner and climbing French beans and sweetcorn (to use the vertical space), and courgettes, squash, aubergines, and potatoes below.” (Instagram)

“Courgette, tomato, cucumber and aubergine, all in the greenhouse. Everything outside has been a failure either due to weather, birds or slugs!” (Instagram)

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