Have a look around COOK!
Here’s our guided tour of COOK! with the Vegetarian Society, our bespoke teaching kitchen in Ancoats in the heart of Manchester city centre.

COOK! with the Vegetarian Society is our new hub for community cooking, public workshops and professional training, making plant-based and vegetarian cooking more exciting and inclusive than ever before.
But what can you expect on your first visit? Here’s a quick look at the various areas in our stylish and accessible teaching kitchen so you’ll know what to look for before you join us on a workshop or class!

Here’s a full view of the main work area at COOK!, shaped around lovely brickwork. Now let’s have a look at the individual elements…

The most important place to start is the coffee machine! Every guest is offered a complimentary drink when they arrive, whatever your preferred beverage is!

Hygiene is obviously important in a working kitchen, so all our class participants are encouraged to wash their hands before they start cooking! Here’s one class attendee using the sink.

Here’s one of COOK!’s many work stations. There, you’ll find all the equipment you need for your class, including cooking utensils, pots and pans, and carefully measured ingredients. There’s even a tablet to help you follow each recipe as you cook!

At the back of the room is one of our demonstration tables. Here’s one of our tutors, Maz, standing with a few class attendees to guide them through the recipe they’ll be working on!

Our tutors will often come around to offer friendly tips and advice while you’re cooking! Here’s Nikita checking on some mixing…

Once you’re done cooking, you can sit down with your fellow class attendees to chat and enjoy the fruits (and vegetables) of your labour!

Here are the fridges and fridgers at the back of the room, and that’s it! Whether you’re considering joining us for a casual evening Supper Club or a five-day deep-dive into vegetarian and vegan cookery, COOK! has everything you need to make it a fun and informative time!
Workshops start from £35. You can check out all the cookery experiences on offer at COOK! with the Vegetarian Society at www.vegsoc.org/cook.