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News, Blogs & Press Releases » International Women’s Day – Linda McCartney

A look back at a pioneering vegetarian

For International Women’s Day 2025 we look back at an interview from 1984 with a very pioneering and inspiring woman, Linda McCartney, who then went on to became our patron, along with her husband, Sir Paul McCartney, thirty years ago.

The Vegetarian Society Magazine Cover 1991 featuring Linda McCartney

Linda McCartney has been interviewed twice for the Vegetarian Society members magazine, this is a copy of the first interview in 1984, before she and her husband, Sir Paul McCartney, became patrons.

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This is an article first featured in the 1984 issue of our members’ magazine which as you can see in the photo from 2024 is still thriving today.

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Vegetarian Society Archives

We are currently preserving our extensive archives with a legacy that supports a digital project where members will get free access. Until then some of the scanning is not the best quality.

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