Nikita’s Tip of the Season: Spring 2024
Tulips, daffodils, loads of lovely green veg… It’s starting to look a lot like spring! It’s hard to pick just a few from the plethora of greens available, but this spring I’m loving peas, watercress, and rocket.
Oh, the humble green pea! Often the side dish, never the star. Peas don’t have to be relegated and pushed around plates – they can be used in so many ways.
Take a chance and have a go at something a bit different. One of my ‘go to’ light lunches is smashed peas on sourdough toast topped with crumbled feta and chilli oil. Toast the bread, spread generously with butter, squish the warm peas with a fork, add a little salt and pepper, spread them on the toast. Then crumble on feta cheese and drizzle with chilli oil. The butter and feta can easily be swapped out for vegan alternatives too.
Or cook up our pea and spinach frittata. It’s perfect for lunch, dinner or even for a pre-summer picnic. It balances sweet peas, rich goats cheese and earthy spinach. Delicious!
Next up to the plate are two wonderful leaves with similarities but each with a flavour of their own: rocket and watercress.
Rocket is punchy and powerful with a strong peppery finish. A side of rocket salad is perfect with rich dishes like quiche or creamy pasta. Just season with sea salt flakes and extra virgin olive oil. Rocket can also stand up against fruit in salads such as strawberries or oranges. The sweet and peppery combination is a delight.
Watercress is also peppery in flavour but with a lighter touch. It’s great in a salad too, or try using it to top a hot dish like risotto. It will wilt just enough before it gets to the table. Watercress is also lovely cooked, and watercress soup is a fantastic way to use up bunches that are a little past their best. Sauté onion and celery with plenty of chopped garlic, add in the watercress, your favourite vegetable stock, and cook until everything is soft. Blend it up with a hand blender for a smooth finish. Popping in a roughly chopped large potato while cooking is an easy way to create a thicker soup.
Enjoy your greens this season and put a ‘spring’ in your step!
Recipe to try: