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News, Blogs & Press Releases » Sam’s Top Five Vegan Pancake Fillings

Sam’s Top Five Vegan Pancake Fillings

Stack of pancakes with blueberries on the top

Pancake day is just around the corner

Sam, Head of the Vegetarian Society Cookery School, is ready with five delicious filling ideas you won’t want to wait until the day to try!

Tofu scramble with kale, kimchi and sesame seeds: Packed with goodness and extremely filling, this scramble will make your pancake dish perfect for any time of day.

Peanut butter and banana: Sam’s personal favourite –high in protein and a great start to the day. A top tip – warm the peanut butter in the microwave for 20 seconds – this will make it easier to pour! Fancy an indulgent treat? Grate a sprinkle of dark chocolate over the top.

Tofu bacon and maple syrup: Crispy, smoky tofu topped with lashings of sweet syrup – a perfect combination.

Apple and cinnamon: Try adding some grated apple and a pinch of cinnamon to your pancake batter before cooking as usual. A drizzle of date syrup makes the perfect finishing touch.

Monday morning (or Sunday supper) pancakes: Mash leftover veg from your Sunday lunch and fry for 7-10 minutes until crisp and brown. Add a handful of butterbeans – or whatever pulses you have in your cupboard – and warm through. Serve on top of the pancakes with a good dollop of your favourite sauce.

Want more cooking tips? Check out our cookery classes and get hands on as you chop, slice, dice and knead your way to delicious veggie and vegan dishes. 

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