Vegetarians Pleading With Flesh-Eaters: A poem for World Poetry Day

For World Poetry Day, here’s a poem from our first ever dedicated members’ journal The Vegetarian Advocate, published on 15th October 1848.
No flocks that range the valley free,
To slaughter we condemn;
Taught by that Power that pities us,
We learn to pity them.
For us the garden’s fertile soil
A guiltless feast does bring;
Fresh herbs and fruits our tables spread,
Our drink is from the spring.
‘Eaters of flesh’! could you decry
Our food and sacred laws,
Did you behold the lambkin die,
And feel yourselves the cause?
Lo! there it struggles! Hear it mourn,
As, stretch’d beneath the knife,
Its eye would melt a heart of stone!
How meek it begs its life!
The voice of God through nature still
In every nation cries—
‘Eaters of flesh’, obey my will,
‘Twill make you good and wise.
‘From killing for your food abstain,
(God says – ‘ Thou shalt not kill,’)
You’ll surely find this life humane
With joy your bosoms fill.’
The prophet kept this law divine,
Ate no defiling thing,
Refused to take the ‘meat’ and ‘wine’
‘Appointed by the king.’
He liv’d on ‘pulse’, and ‘fatter’ grew,
With only ‘ten days’ test;
The ‘prince,’ who saw him ‘fairer’ too,
Then granted his request.
Thus like him live; grain, herbs, and fruit,
Will prove the best repast,
Will lengthen life, your health recruit,
And bring you peace at last.
Salford, Sept. 25, 1848.