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News, Blogs & Press Releases » We presented at North Wales Vegan Festival!

We presented at North Wales Vegan Festival!

On Saturday 15th June, COOK! with the Vegetarian Society was delighted to give three cookery demonstrations at the North Wales Vegan Festival.

Nikita and Kofi from COOK! travelled to Deeside Leisure Centre in Queensferry to take part in the festival, which featured fantastic stalls, world food caterers, and exciting workshops throughout the day.

As part of our chef’s demonstration, Nikita cooked Smoky Tofu BLT, Mushroom Dakkochi and Aubergine Steaks with Whipped Tahini Sauce.

She had some great interactions and chats with all attendees, with all three demos being very well-attended and well-received.

We even had a few Vegetarian Society members come over to say hello, one of whom has been a member since 1990 – thank you for coming!

We’ll be delivering our next cookery demonstrations at Heaton Park Food and Drink Festival on Sunday 4th August. Tickets are available on their website.

Nikita presenting her Aubergine Steaks!

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