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News, Blogs & Press Releases » Link between red meat and diabetes risk

In the news: Link between red meat and diabetes risk new study.

Today there have been articles in the news about a new study relating to Red Meat and diabetes risk.

The articles focus on a new study published today and led by the University of Cambridge.

The study suggests more evidence of a link between meat consumption and increased diabetes risk.

The Guardian states …”Cambridge-led study of 2m people globally is most comprehensive evidence yet of red meat link to diabetes.”

Read more in this article from the The Guardian

Jen Elford, Head of Policy, at the Vegetarian Society, responded to the story commenting: “This study provides a new level of certainty of the association between meat eating and one of the UK’s most prevalent health issues.  What makes this study stand out, is that by using a new form of data analysis, the researchers have been able to better distinguish between lifestyle factors – such as lack of exercise or smoking – and the consumption of meat itself as a risk factor.”

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