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News, Blogs & Press Releases » Ultra-processed foods in the news

Ultra-Processed Foods and health in the news

Today there have been articles in the news about a new study relating to ultra-processed foods.

The articles have featured misleading headlines. You can read the articles below and our response to them. Plus find out about how to eat well on a meat-free diet.

Jen Elford, Head of Policy, at the Vegetarian Society, responded to the story commenting: “Certainly there is a real need to unpick issues around ultra-processed foods (UPF) carefully, so that good advice to the public can be provided. The problem with UPF studies of this sort, is the results reflect the junk food that makes up the majority of ultra-processed food intake. It cannot tell us much at all about the health effects of products such as meat alternatives which make up only 0.2% of intake. Better analysis is needed to avoid misleading headlines that may be unhelpful to public understanding. Of course, crisps, cake and confectionery are not healthy, that point has already landed, but as plant-based products go, it tells us nothing about products at the other end of the spectrum that have a respectable nutritional profile.”

The report of the study as it appeared in the Daily Mail.

Read our nutritional advice for vegetarians on our healthy eating pages.

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