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News, Blogs & Press Releases » The ‘Love Lambs Week’ Campaign

The ‘Love Lambs Week’ Campaign

Sheep graphic on left. Includes text on right saying Love Lambs week

A Pledge to give eating Lambs the Chop

Today marks the launch of ‘Love Lambs Week’ during 1-7 September. Each year millions of sheep and lambs are slaughtered, the same lambs we see skipping in fields in spring which we coo and delight over.  Love Lambs Week, a Vegetarian Society led campaign, encourages individuals across the UK to take ‘the pledge’ and abstain from consuming lamb.

Love Lambs Week coincides with the meat industry’s ‘Love Lamb Week’, which traditionally encourages lamb consumption. The Vegetarian Society’s Love Lambs Week emphasises a starkly different message urging people to recognise the intrinsic sentience of these creatures. By adding an ‘S’ to ‘Lamb,’ the campaign draws attention to our sentiment, our sympathy, and most importantly, the sentience of these remarkable animals, which are typically only between 10 week and 6 months when slaughtered.

Richard McIlwain, Chief Executive, the Vegetarian Society said: “By committing to the Love Lambs pledge, we are taking a vital step towards creating a more compassionate world for all creatures. We want you and thousands of people like you from across the UK to take ‘the pledge’ and never eat lamb again.

You might be a meat-eater, a flexitarian, or already vegetarian or vegan. Either way, it doesn’t matter! By adding your name to the campaign through the pledge, you’ll be joining a collective of people who want to see an end to the slaughter of lambs. And who wouldn’t want to when you see these beautiful, playful animals gambolling in the fields? Please pledge today.”

By joining forces through the pledge, individuals stand together to ensure a brighter future for these beautiful animals that often grace our fields with their playful presence.

As part of the campaign, individuals are encouraged to explore ‘Woolly Facts’ that shed light on the sentience of lambs and sheep, support sheep sanctuaries and discover new dishes and products as alternatives to lamb meat.

Visit https://vegsoc.org/love-lambs-week/ to pledge and find out more.


Notes to editors

For media enquiries please contact Su via press@vegsoc.org

Sheep form strong maternal bonds and would nurse their lambs for up to six months. Some of those lambs seen taking their first steps earlier this year may have already been packed into trucks and sent to the abattoir.

Sheep have been found to be social creatures able to remember faces, they also prefer smiles to grimaces. They can remember and recognise the faces of at least 10 people and 50 other sheep for up to two years. Tests have shown sheep and lambs recognise fear in fellow animals and mourn absent individuals. All this underscores that every lamb deserves a life free from unnecessary suffering and their inevitable fate on a plate.

Love Lambs Week is run by the Vegetarian Society a campaigning charity bringing the benefits of plant-based eating to all! It campaigns to make the necessary changes happen — changes to help people, the planet, and animals.

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