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Photo posts for apron terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

The competitions are open to all UK residents who have been on a COOK! with the Vegetarian Society experience/class/workshop with the exception of employees and their families of the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom.

The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into relating to the result of the competition.

To enter – you must add a photo of your ‘COOK! with the Vegetarian Society’ experience/food/recipes/selfie etc as a post to Facebook or Instagram.

Posts must use #CookAncoats please tag https://www.instagram.com/cookwiththevegetariansociety or https://www.facebook.com/cookwiththevegetariansociety.

At the end of each month a winner will be chosen at random from the entries received.

The winner will be sent a COOK! with the Vegetarian Society apron.

No cash or other alternative will be offered in lieu of the prize. The Vegetarian Society accepts no responsibility for any entries (online or postal) lost or not received or actions of companies outside of the Vegetarian Society.

We will never share your details with anyone else without your express permission, and you can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. See the full Privacy Policy (www.vegsoc.org/privacy-policy) with information about how we store and use your personal data.

The winner(s) will be contacted by a member of staff at the Vegetarian Society via social media and may be asked to participate in post-event publicity.

The winner(s) may also be announced on our website, Facebook and instagram.

If you are contacted by the Vegetarian Society as a winner, you have 28 days to respond to claim the prize. If you do not respond within 28 days of first being contacted about the prize, you will forfeit the prize and the Vegetarian Society will reserve the right to draw another winner (who will have 28 days from being contacted to respond).

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By submitting your details, you are agreeing for us to send you emails about the Vegetarian Society’s and/or Cookery School's work, as well as how you can get involved and support us through fundraising and campaigning. We will never share your details with anyone else, and you can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. See the full Privacy Policy with information about how we store and use your personal data.

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