Mix It Up! National Vegetarian Week 2024

National Vegetarian Week 2024 (1st to 7th October) is just around the corner.
Kicking off on World Vegetarian Day (1st October) National Vegetarian Week will see more people trying plant-based swaps in their favourite dishes, under the theme of ‘Mix It Up!’
It’s easy to Mix It Up! Simply cut down on meat and swap to more veggie-based food from the ever-expanding range of fantastic plant-based dishes and recipes.
To help include more veggie and vegan cooking in the kitchen, there is a free Vegetarian Society digital recipe booklet. Everyone who signs up to take part can check out this brilliant free ‘Mix It Up!’ booklet, jam-packed with vegetarian and vegan recipes from celebrity chefs and food writers such as Meera Sodha, renowned for her Asian-inspired, meat-free recipes, and the author of three best-selling cookbooks; Rukmini Iyer, the bestselling author of The Roasting Tin series; and Claire Thomson, chef, food writer, podcaster and author of nine cookery books.
Sign up to get the booklet by heading over to www.nationalvegetarianweek.org and ‘Mix It Up!’ for National Vegetarian Week.
Louise Goodwin, Campaigns Manager from the Vegetarian Society said, “All the recipes in the booklet are carbon-calculated, a quick and easy way of showing how even small swaps here and there, can have a real and positive impact on the planet. Whether new to veggie food, a long-term vegetarian, or just looking to eat in a way that is kinder to the planet this booklet can give everyone some inspiration. National Vegetarian Week is for everyone and choosing veggie food more of the time can be good for your health and it’s delicious too. So when it comes to the menu, don’t just go for what you know…Mix It Up!.
“To give some new ideas for veggie swaps during the week we’ll be sending a daily email newsletter full of tips, interesting info, and free competitions with amazing prizes. There will also be tempting National Vegetarian Week discounts and offers in abundance, so keep an eye out for these popping up on social media!”
National Vegetarian Week 2024 will start on World Vegetarian Day (1st October), it’s a perfect opportunity for individuals, retailers, local authorities, caterers, supermarkets and restaurants to focus on vegetarian products and recipes. So go on and Mix It Up!

Notes to editors
For media enquiries please contact Su via press@vegsoc.org for logos, images, assets and a selection of recipes head here https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/sjkwag6zfyek8om2rku80/AGQMkCRBlf7IjMg51Zfg9eo?rlkey=ybhjgx4xjcatzq00vtalrelgv&st=yw88tk1h&dl=0
The Vegetarian Society is a charity. Together we are working towards a better life for all. A better life for animals, for people and for the planet. We know small changes by many can make a huge difference. We work with communities, businesses and policy-makers to drive real change. From recipes and cookery classes to political campaigning, we produce good food to fuel the good fight. Find out more at www.vegsoc.org
National Vegetarian Week 2023 had a focus on individuals reducing their carbon footprint by switching to veggie meals. Over 17,000 individuals signed up and in total the carbon emissions saved equated to 1 million miles of driving. Across the UK every local authority had someone participating and the campaign featured on Out of Home media at over 1000 sites.
For sponsorship enquiries please email nvw@vegsoc.org