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Eating veggie » Recipes » Brazen Brie Soup

Brazen Brie Soup

Preparation 5 mins, Cooking 8 mins

Serves 4

Egg-Free, Nut-Free

A sinful concoction for you to endulge yourself!


For the soup

  • 20g cream cheese with garlic and herbs
  • 200g very ripe vegetarian Brie* cheese cut into cubes
  • 400ml vegetable stock
  • 100ml single cream
  • 2 tsp cornflour
  • 1-2 tbsp dry white vegetarian wine

To serve

  • 1 tbsp parsley chopped
  • 4 cranberries toasts
  • 4 slices French stick
  • 1 small jar best quality cranberry sauce


  1. Put all soup ingredients into a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Strain through a sieve. Can be stored in fridge for 24 hours at this point until ready to cook / serve.
  2. When ready to cook / serve, prepare cranberry toasts. Lightly toast the slices of French bread, then spread with a little cranberry sauce.
  3. Put soup in a heavy based saucepan, making sure to gather any thick mixture at the bottom of the container, and stir well. Gradually bring to boiling point, stirring all the time, then simmer gently for 1 minute. Serve in warmed soup plates with a slice of cranberry toast floating on top, and the whole sprinkled with chopped parsley.

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