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Eating veggie » Recipes » Breakfast Fruit Compote

Breakfast Fruit Compote

Prep time 10 mins, cook time 25 mins

Serves 4

Wheat-Free, Dairy-Free, Low Fat, Vegan, Egg-Free

Preparation Notes

Can be vegan*


for the Compote

  • 2 apples peeled, cored and sliced
  • 200g ready to eat prunes sliced
  • 30g sultanas
  • 200ml apple juice

for the Yoghurt mixture

  • 50g blueberries or blackberries (reserve a few for the topping)
  • 200g zero fat Greek yoghurt (or soya yoghurt for vegan option*)

for the Topping

  • 75g oats
  • 50g hazelnuts chopped
  • Pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon


  1. Place the compote ingredients into a large pan and gently simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. Fold the blueberries into the yoghurt and set aside.
  3. Place the oats, nuts and nutmeg or cinnamon into a non-stick pan. Gently heat for five minutes, stirring from time to time.
  4. To serve, share out the fruit into four dishes, add a little yogurt then top with the oat mixture and the reserved blueberries.

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