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Eating veggie » Recipes » Brussels Sprout and Horseradish Pâté

Brussels Sprout and Horseradish Pâté

Prep time 10 mins, cook time 50 mins

Serves 4

Nut-Free, Dairy-Free, Vegan, Suitable for Freezing, Egg-Free

This is a different way to use Brussel sprouts. The sprouts, horseradish and cream cheese combine well to make a smooth and tasty pâté.


  • 100g Brussels sprouts trimmed
  • 100g vegan cream cheese
  • ½ small clove garlic crushed
  • 1 scant tsp vegan horseradish
  • To taste salt and pepper

To Serve

  • 3 toast triangles per person
  • A little dressed leaf salad (include some red leaf for colour)
  • A little grated radish or a sprinkle of red paprika


  1. Steam the sprouts until soft. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  2. In a food processor, blend Brussels sprouts with garlic. Add remaining ingredients and blend again until smooth.
  3. Place in fridge for 30-45 minutes before serving.
  4. Shape either into 1 dessertspoon oval per person or three teaspoon size ovals per person. Plate individually with a little dressed salad and 3 toast triangles per plate topped with a small amount of grated radish or sprinkles of red paprika.

Nutrition per serving

127.1 kcal










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