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Eating veggie » Recipes » Sourdough Starter

Sourdough Starter

Makes 1 or more sourdough starters

Egg-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Vegan


Using a sourdough starter is an alternative way to make bread instead of using fresh or dried yeast. A sourdough starter is a living culture, which means it can be continuously grown and used to make more another loaf every couple of days.

Preparation Notes

Making a sourdough starter


  • 1 x 1 litre sterilised glass jar with a lid
  • 250g strong white bread flour, plus extra if continuing after day 5
  • 50ml tepid water, per day

Here is some of the change-making work we do…


  1. For the first day: In a small jar with a lid, mix together 50g of flour with 50ml of tepid water. Mix together well and leave with the lid partially closed for 24 hours.
  2. For the second day: Add another 50g of flour and 50ml of tepid water. Mix together and leave at room temperature with the lid partially closed for a further 24 hours. If the jar is full, discard half of the excess before topping up.
  3. For the third day: The starter should be bubbling now and expanding. Discard half of the starter (or use it in a recipe). Repeat the process from the second day and leave for another 24 hours.
  4. For the forth day: By now, the mixture should be starting to activate and showing signs of bubbling. Add another 50g of flour and 50ml of tepid water. Mix together and leave with the lid partially closed for a further 24 hours.
  5. For the fifth day: The starter should now look quite active than the previous day and be ready for use. If it is not, repeat the fourth day process and leave for another 24 hours.
  6. At this point the starter can be used. Weigh out the correct amount of starter for your recipe and discard the rest. If you want to continue making more loaves with the starter, divide the mixture in two and feed both with another 50g of flour and 50ml water. Leave for a further 24 hours to grow.
  7. The starter can be stored in the fridge if it is not used straight away. The starter will become dormant at low temperatures. To reactivate it, add another 50g flour and 50ml water and leave it at room temperature for 24 hours.

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