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Eating veggie » Recipes » St Patrick’s Cabbage and Potato Soup

St Patrick’s Cabbage and Potato Soup

Prep time 10 mins, cook time 35 mins

Serves 4

Egg-Free, Low Fat, Vegan

Cabbage Soup

This is a potato and cabbage based soup that uses oatmeal for thickening. It can be served with warm soda bread for a complete Irish experience.

This is a potato based soup that uses oatmeal for thickening. It can be served with warm soda bread for a complete Irish experience.


  • 50g margarine
  • 1 small onion sliced
  • 1 stick celery chopped
  • 225g potatoes peeled and finely diced
  • 225g carrots peeled and finely diced
  • 225g green cabbage chopped
  • A pinch of ground cloves
  • 1000ml vegetable stock
  • 100g oatmeal
  • Salt and pepper to taste

To garnish

  • 1 tsp flat-leaf parsley chopped


  1. Melt the margarine in a large saucepan. Add the onions, celery, potatoes and carrots then fry gently for about 5 minutes, until soft.
  2. Add the cabbage and ground clove. Cook for 5 minutes more.
  3. Add the vegetable stock and oatmeal, bring to the boil, then simmer for about 20 mins.
  4. Allow to cool, then puree in a blender or food processor until the soup is smooth. If you prefer a slightly chunky soup, just puree half the mixture.
  5. Return the soup to a clean pan and heat through gently. Season to taste.
  6. Serve in individual soup bowls sprinkled with the parsley, if liked.

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