Donate today to revolutionise dairy farming

A message from our Individual Giving Manager, Joey Fisher
Your donation will fund vital research into ethical dairy farming, to end the suffering of dairy cows.
Imagine a world where dairy cows live fulfilling lives, free from intensive production pressures and slaughter. With your help, we can make this vision a reality. Your donation will directly fund ground-breaking research to prove that compassionate, slaughter-free dairy farming is not only possible, it’s the future.
Donate today for a better tomorrow for cows.
£20,832 of £25,000 raised SO FAR
why your support matters
Protect Cows: help us fund research that ensures cows live long, healthy lives with less intensive milk production and without slaughter.
Promote Economic Sustainability: support the development of sustainable dairy farming practices that benefit animals, farmers, and consumers.
Lead the Change: be at the forefront of a transformative movement that prioritises compassion and ethical treatment of animals.
Since we were formed in 1847, the Vegetarian Society has been at the forefront of progress, championing changes that improve the lives of animals and people alike. Today, we face one of our biggest challenges yet: transforming the dairy industry.

Over the past few decades, the conditions for dairy cows have drastically worsened. Industrial-scale, intensive dairy farms are overcrowded with exhausted animals expected to produce ever higher milk yields. And at the end of their productive lives, these cows are sent to the abattoir, often after only a few short years.
but what if we could change this?
We want to rethink the entire dairy farming system and develop a new model with sustainability and compassion at its heart. A system that prioritises the welfare of the animals and respects their needs, with a safe and long life in return for the milk they provide.
We want to provide farmers with the skills and support to successfully transition to sustainable slaughter-free dairy farms, that are economical for both farmers and consumers.
You can make this happen by giving to our Slaughter-Free Dairy Appeal. With your support, we can fund a comprehensive research programme that will provide the evidence that a slaughter-free dairy industry is possible.
Slaughter-free dairy farming is not just a dream. It’s already a reality for a few forward-thinking farms. Imagine how our dairy industry would be transformed if we could scale this model across the whole of the UK. We just need evidence.