Nikita’s Tip of the Season: Blackberries

bY nIKITA gORDON, cHEF MANAGER AT COOK! with the vegetarian society
British fruits often take a back seat when we talk about what’s in season. We’re so busy talking about
amazing veggies, we can overlook all the delicious recipes for fruit and berries.
Today, let’s talk about a very special berry: the humble blackberry. Let’s look at all things Blackberry related, and I don’t mean the phone from the 2000s!
When my sister and I were young, we loved picking blackberries. We’d set off with Mum, washing up bowl and gloves in hand, excited for our harvest trip. I can still hear Mum warning us: “Don’t pick anything below your knees!” A dog promptly demonstrated the reason why! I never forget now.
Once we’d filled our bowl, we’d make our way back home where freshly washed berries would magically be turned into the most delectable crumbles, puds and jams.
Blackberries are a great source of vitamin C, calcium, and antioxidants. They are perfect little pockets of sharp, sweet, and juicy. Did you know blackberries are great in savoury dishes? They are exquisite with goats’ cheese and walnuts in a salad. If you’re feeling adventurous, try a quick blackberry pickle.
You will need enough liquid to half-cover the blackberries. Heat equal quantities of water and white wine vinegar with a pinch of sugar. Pour the warm liquid over halved blackberries. Set aside to cool completely. Serve with crusty bread and a creamy spreadable cheese. Yummy!
Of course, there are few ingredients that beat a blackberry in a crumble. Our traditional recipe has an oat crumble for added crunch. It’s great with custard or ice cream. The filling is even better with your own hand-picked blackberries. I hope you find a bumper crop near you soon.
Recipe to try: