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Eating veggie » Recipes » Roasted Tenderstem® Broccoli, Grilled Halloumi and Cherry Tomato Salad

Roasted Tenderstem® Broccoli, Grilled Halloumi and Cherry Tomato Salad

Prep time 15 mins, cook time 20 mins

Serves 4

Egg-Free, Gluten-Free, Wheat-Free


  • 300g Tenderstem® broccoli
  • 2 large cloves garlic thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 150g cherry tomatoes
  • 50g walnut halves roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp white balsamic vinegar
  • Black pepper to taste
  • 200g halloumi cut into 4 slices
  • 1 ripe avocado peeeled and cubed
  • 2 tsp capers


  1. Heat your oven to 200°C/gas mark 6.
  2. Place the Tenderstem®, garlic and oil in a large roasting pan. Cover with foil and roast for 15 minutes.
  3. Add the tomatoes and walnuts and roast for a further 5 minutes. The broccoli should be tender by now and the tomatoes just beginning to split.
  4. Take out of the oven and mix in the vinegar with the baking juices in the pan ensuring all the vegetables are coated and season with black pepper.
  5. Heat a non-stick griddle pan and cook the halloumi on both sides until golden.
  6. Plate individually, placing the halloumi on the bottom, piling the salad with all its juices on top with the avocado and capers.

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