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Eating veggie » How to eat veggie

How to eat veggie

If you’d like to give more vegetarian food a go, here’s a great way to get started…



They’re nutritious. They’re versatile. They’re not expensive… they’re chickpeas!

Veggie Mince

Probably the easiest swap there is. Let’s find out more about veggie mince.

Sweet Potatoes

Packed with fibre and complex carbohydrate, sweet potatoes are a great veg to liven up your plate!


An exotic fruit, that’s treated like a vegetable, and has the texture of meat!

Miso Paste

Add a touch of savoury deliciousness with this amazing paste!


1. Beautiful Beans

From baked beans to chickpeas, butter beans and kidney beans, these highly nutritious foods are a great way to add protein to any recipe. Buy them ready-cooked for convenience, or dried to save money (just remember to soak them according to packet instructions before cooking).

2. Tricks with tofu

Tofu is made from soya beans and makes a great addition to a wide range of dishes such as stir fries and curries.

3. Go nuts

Try adding cashews to a curry or throw some flaked almonds into a salad for extra bite. Peanut butter, soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce makes an easy satay for stir-fries and curries.

4. Meat alternatives

Supermarkets usually stock a range of veggie mince, sausages, fillets and burgers. These can be a handy and practical swap to make meals like spaghetti Bolognese, burger and chips, or sausage and mash.

5. Eggs and dairy

Eggs are a highly nutritious convenient source of protein. They also cook quickly making them a great staple. You may love cheese, but as a veggie it’s important not to rely on it too much it can be high in saturated fat. Try choosing healthier products such as cottage cheese, paneer, reduced fat cheddar or other low fat options.


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